Adventures in pancakes
Pancakes. I love them. And I suck at cooking them. Each time I suggest having pancakes, the boy gets an excited look in his eye, always expecting the tasty, light, fluffy kind of pancakes that people who know what they're doing make. One day he'll learn.I think the problem is with my cast iron pan. Or, more correctly, my handling of the cast iron pan, which I usually heat too high too quickly, then end up burning the batter. As a result, I've become a little shy of making pancakes. But, hoping to overcome my short-comings this afternoon, we turned up the Boney M and forged ahead.
Substitutions I made: homemade almond milk instead of soy and maple syrup instead of agave.

Lemon zest and juice approval

I accidentally messed up the second step in the mixing process, and didn't let the first mixture sit for 2 minutes before adding the rest of the stuff. Instead, I just threw all the ingredients in after blending the nuts and seeds.

The first pancake is always a flop.

The last pancake is always perfect. Ish.

We ate them with veggie bacon strips.
I made the mistake of trying the uncooked batter, forgetting that besan tastes awful raw. It's amazing how much tastier it gets after being cooked.
About 2 ladlesful in, I noticed how thick the batter had become, so I added more milk to thin it out. Maybe the flax seeds were to blame? I also kept these fairly small, but I really don't know how the author was able to get 8-10 pancakes. We got 5. I quite enjoyed the lemony flavour and I ate mine without syrup (partly because they were good without, and partly because we'd run out). The texture was a bit grainy – I probably should have blended the nuts a bit more – but they were delicious. I would like to give these another shot and they'll be added to my Pancake Perfection experiment.
Your pictures are great! I think you had the best outcome of the three of us.
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